Critical Social Inquiry 0272 - Critical Psychology

Peter Gilford
02:30PM-05:20PM W
Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 101
Students often approach the field of psychology with a desire to both understand themselves and to help alleviate the suffering of others. Many are also motivated by a desire to work towards social justice. Yet psychology and the mental health disciplines, along with their myriad forms of inquiry and intervention, are inextricably entangled with current social and political arrangements. This course will survey the vast field of psychology from a critical perspective, problematizing and inquiring about psychological methods, practices, and philosophical assumptions with the intent of coming to understand how psychology has come to be such a potent and undetectable sociopolitical force. By inquiring about how psychological knowledge shapes and defines how we come to self-understanding and what we believe it means to be properly human, we will explore how these understandings support or challenge existing arrangements of power and privilege. A prior college-level course in psychology is a prerequisite for enrollment. AP psychology courses are not college level and do not satisfy the prerequisite. Students should be committed to submitting once-weekly written commentary on assigned readings, occasional reaction papers, a mid-term paper, and to initiate and complete an independent final paper project of their own design by the end of the course.
Power, Community and Social Justice Independent Work Multiple Cultural Perspectives Writing and Research A prior college-level course in psychology is a prerequisite for enrollment. Students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
This course has unspecified prerequisite(s) - please see the instructor.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.