Critical Social Inquiry 0210 - Intro to Economics

Mehrene Larudee
12:30PM-01:50PM TU;12:30PM-01:50PM TH
Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 106;Franklin Patterson Hall 106
This course introduces students to the ways in which economists typically analyze issues, using models of how prices, output, profits, wages, and employment are determined. These models also help decide how the government can and should sometimes intervene-such as to reduce unemployment, or to use taxes or subsidies to encourage useful activities and discourage harmful ones (like pollution). A critical approach is part of the course: As time permits, we ask foundational questions about how economists decide what makes society better off, what is left out of the standard models, where power fits in, and what economic policies or arrangements best serve the common good. The course is designed to fully prepare students for taking intermediate economics courses such as those in the Five Colleges.
Power, Community and Social Justice Quantitative Skills Students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.