Critical Social Inquiry 0182 - Intro to Psychoanalysis

Christine Maksimowicz
04:00PM-05:20PM W;04:00PM-05:20PM F
Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 108;Franklin Patterson Hall 108
Psychoanalysis encompasses more than a particular form of therapeutic practice; it can also be understood as a kind of sensibility, a fluid, radically open and creative way of perceiving and engaging the world. This course explores psychoanalysis in both of these senses. It provides an historical overview of psychoanalytic thought, beginning with Freud, moving through object relations theory and ego psychology, and ending with an exploration of relational perspectives and other contemporary approaches within psychoanalysis. By way of this survey, students will acquire an appreciation of how psychoanalytic thinking has changed over time and continues to evolve, while at the same time retaining certain core perspectives on the psyche and the therapeutic process. Throughout the course, students will also be asked to reflect on how the theories we are exploring may be productively used to interpret and engage issues and problems within contemporary society.
Power, Community and Social Justice Independent Work Multiple Cultural Perspectives Writing and Research Students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.