Theater and Dance 140H - Dance Technique: Introduction to Waacking/Punking: Dance, Elegance, and Cultural Rebellion

Dance: Waacking/Punking

Angelica Monteiro

M/W | 4:00 PM - 5:20 PM

Amherst College
Webster Hall Room 122

This beginning level half-course is an introduction to Waacking/Punking, street dance styles that originated in the club scene of Los Angeles in the 1970s. Students will learn the fundamentals of these forms, including the expressive arms and dramatic poses of Waacking, and the improvisation and theatrical flair of its precursor, Punking. Through foundational techniques, movement drills, and choreographed sequences, we will develop rhythm, timing, and style while engaging with the cultural and historical contexts of these bold dance forms. The course also explores the roots of Waacking/Punking in the Black and Latino LGBRQ+ culture and early hip-hop communities. By integrating movement practice and discussions on the social impacts of Waacking/Punking, we will gain a deeper appreciation for the artform, its pioneers, and its history. Open to students of all levels of dance experience. This course may be repeated for credit. A half-course. Two class meetings per week. 

Spring semester. A. Monteiro.

How to handle overenrollment: THDA majors given priority. Instructor will choose students based on a balance of interests and class years.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: This course will involve regular attendance and class participation, class discussion, reading, and possible viewing and writing assignments. Additional assignments may include work with peers outside of class, rehearsal or other artistic assignments, as well as physical or vocal performance work and/or visual, aural, and physical analysis as applicable. Attendance at performances outside of class may also be required.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.