Statistics 456 - Generalized Linear Models and Mixed Models

Generalized Lin Models

Brittney Bailey

TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Amherst College
Webster Hall Room 102

Linear regression and logistic regression are powerful tools for statistical analysis, but they are only a subset of a broader class of generalized linear models. This course will explore the theory behind and practical application of generalized linear models for responses that do not have a normal distribution, including counts, categories, and proportions. We will also delve into extensions of these models for dependent responses such as repeated measures over time.


Student has completed or is in the process of completing: STAT 230 and STAT/MATH 360. Limited to 20 students. Spring semester. Professor Bailey. 

How to handle overenrollment: Priority for Statistics majors

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: quantitative work, problem sets, reading research articles, group work, use of computational software, projects

Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.