Statistics 135 - Introduction to Statistics via Modeling

Intro to Stats Modeling

Kevin Donges

M/W/F | 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

Amherst College
Webster Hall Room 102

(Offered as STAT 135 and MATH 135) This course is an introductory statistics course that uses modeling as a unifying framework. The course provides a basic foundation in statistics with a major emphasis on constructing models from data. Students learn important concepts of statistics by mastering powerful and relatively advanced statistical techniques using computational tools. Topics include descriptive and inferential statistics, visualization, probability, study design, and multiple regression.

Students who have taken a semester of calculus (MATH 111 or higher, or equivalent placement) or who are majoring or planning to major in mathematics and/or statistics should take this course instead of STAT 111. (Students who have taken STAT 111, STAT136, or PSYC 122 may not also receive credit for STAT/MATH 135. Students who have taken ECON 360/361 will be admitted only with consent of the instructor.) No prior experience with statistical software is expected.


Student has completed or is in process of completing MATH 111 or has placement in MATH 121 or above, or has statistics placement of STAT135 or has consent of the instructor. Limited to 24 students per section. Fall and spring semesters. The Department. 

How to handle overenrollment: If Overenrolled: For the Fall, priority for rising sophomores. For the Spring, priority for first-year students, then sophomores.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: quantitative work, homework assignments/problem sets, quizzes or exams, group work, use of computational software; may include projects

Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.