Architectural Studies 301 - Space and Design: Advanced Design Studio

Space and Design

Gretchen Rabinkin

M/W | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Amherst College
Chapin Hall Room 011

(Offered as ARCH 301 and ARHA 301) This course is for students who want to create an advanced, rigorous, and in-depth design project—taking an independent design project through various iterations from conception to research and realization. The class will provide a framework for working through design-centered Architectural Studies thesis and capstone projects, as well as an opportunity for other design students to develop their own project and distinct voice. Students will present their work and receive feedback on their concepts, design and presentation skills. Tools and materials will be supplied.

Requisite: At least one course in architectural design and consent of the instructor.

Limited to 12 students. Spring semester. Visiting Instructor Gretchen Rabinkin.

How to handle overenrollment: First priority to ARCH majors, then ARHA majors.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Creative problem solving, research on independent topics as well as building technologies and implementation of the concepts in their own designs, 3D modeling, sketching, and physical model making. In addition, this advanced studio requires the intense and consistent self-motivation that allows for an independent thesis to be developed and realized. Assessment is based on level of exploration, quality of craft, incorporation of research, openness to feedback and willingness to pursue multiple design iterations.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.