Theater and Dance 113 - Action and Character
TU/TH | 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
A course in the fundamentals of acting, with an emphasis on the connection between dramatic action and character. Students learn to analyze dramatic texts from the actor's point of view, and bring them to life through a collaborative process, by using body, voice and imagination. Classwork includes regular exercises designed to develop acting craft. Homework includes memorization, regular group rehearsals and relevant reading, alongside practical research and short writing in various modes. Assignments progress toward realizing performed scenes.
New students interested in this course should instead register for THDA-130: Performance Perspectives: What is Acting?, which will replace this course in our curriculum. THDA-130 is a course in acting appropriate for new students. An alternative course that is also appropriate for new students in THDA 240: Ensemble Theater Making.
Limited to 22 students. Six seats reserved for first-year students. Fall semesters. The Department.
How to handle overenrollment: Roster managed for balance of class years and interests; preference to majors, first-years and sophomores
Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: This course will involve regular attendance and class participation, class discussion, reading, possible viewing and writing assignments, group work outside of class including rehearsal or other artistic assignments, as well as physical or vocal performance work and/or visual, aural, and physical analysis as applicable. Attendance at performances outside of class may also be required.