Film & Media Studies 377 - Music and Sound for Media
TU/TH | 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM
This course considers the practice and aesthetics of music and sound design in film, television, video games, advertising, podcasts, and other multi-disciplinary art forms. Students will learn about synchronization techniques in linear media as well as techniques for non-linear media such as games. We will read key theoretical texts in the world of sound for film including Michel Chion and Claudia Gorbman. We will also study different techniques for sound design including foley, synthesis, and working with libraries. Students will design and execute a final creative project individually or in small groups. This course is open to students who have taken MUSI 115, or a similar audio production class, or by permission of the instructor, based on knowledge of a Digital Audio Workstation and/or experience with music composition.
Fall semester. Professor Krishnaswami
How to handle overenrollment: null
Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: creative and technical practice, group work, critical listening, readings, discussion, peer review, written analysis