Spanish 125 - Spanish III

Monica Bel Lopez
MWF 01:00PM-01:50PM
Amherst College
CONV 308

SPAN 125 is a continuation of SPAN 120. 120 and 125 are a two-semester sequence. Students who take SPAN 120 will need to complete SPAN 125 before moving on to SPAN 130.  This course will expand Spanish language skills with exercises in conversation, oral comprehension and composition, based on cultural readings.

Students will gain command of expressing plans, doubts, and probability, and feelings (wishes, happiness, anger, surprise, fear, etc.). Reciprocal verbs, various subjunctive phrases using quizás, tal vez, probablemente, ojalá, etc., as well as subjunctive formations using subordinate noun clauses will be introduced. Finally, students will begin to learn how to express and justify their opinions and to argue them appropriately. This course focuses on the development of oral fluency and vocabulary.

This course prepares students for Spanish IV (SPAN 130). Three hours per week with the lecturer, plus one hour with the language assistant. Limited to 15 students per section. This course may not be counted toward the Spanish Major. The class will be conducted entirely in Spanish.

Requisite: Spanish II (SPAN 120) or Spanish Placement Exam. Fall and spring semesters. Professor Sánchez-Naranjo, Lecturer Bel and Assistants.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.