Political Science 234 - Dem. Behavior Africa

Chipo Dendere
T 02:30PM-05:00PM
Amherst College
BARR 102

[IL] In the nearly two decades since the well-known political scientist Samuel Huntington wrote about the third wave of democracy, the majority of countries in the developing world have held successful elections. There is, however, great diversity in the quality of these elections. While elections have become more common, they have also become more violent. In this course we will explore processes of democracy and de-democratization in the developing world. We will investigate how democracy functions in low income, conflict-ridden countries, and those burdened with legacies of non-democratic rule. We also will examine the relationship between democracy and development. We will ask: Is democracy the best form of government? Is democracy worth the cost of lives in war? Should the West focus on promoting democracy in the developing world? While the majority of readings and discussions will focus on democratization in Africa and similar regions, we will use the United States as an important comparative case study.

Limited to 25 students. Fall semester. Professor Dendere.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.