Political Science 205 - Fascism

Thomas Dumm
TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
Amherst College
OCTA 200

[PT] This course is an exploration of the political form of the modern state known as fascism. We will examine fascism’s roots in political economy, war, ascriptive group identity, legislative and executive forms, political parties, and social movements, paying special attention to how it has been theorized as it emerged during the twentieth century in Europe, and its current resurgence as an idea and practice in Europe and the United States in the twenty-first. Among the authors we may read will be Hannah Arendt, Theodor Adorno, Karl Polyani, Ernst Cassirer, Franz Neumann, Carl Schmitt, Adolf Hitler, Walter Benjamin, Filippo Marinetti, Richard Hofstadter, Sheldon Wolin, Steven Bannon, Judith Butler, and William Connolly. 

Fall semester.  Professor Dumm.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.