Music 241 - Harmony & Countrpoint I

Dylan Schneider
MWF 01:00PM-01:50PM
Amherst College
ARMU 212

Basic principles of harmonic and contrapuntal technique. Emphasis will be on the acquisition of writing skills. This course is the first of the required music theory sequence for majors. Two class meetings and two ear-training sections per week.

Students who have not previously taken a course in music theory at Amherst College are encouraged to take a self-administered placement exam available on reserve in the Music Library and on the Music Department Website ( ).  Students are also encouraged to discuss placement in music theory with a member of the Music Department.

Requisite: MUSI 112 or consent of the instructor.  Fall semester: Visiting Professor TBA. Spring semester: Professor Schneider. 

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.