Music 113 - Jazz Theory & Improvis I

Bruce Diehl
MW 02:00PM-03:20PM
Amherst College

A course designed to explore jazz harmonic and improvisational practice from both the theoretical and applied standpoint. Students will study common harmonic practices of the jazz idiom, modes and scales, rhythmic practices, the blues, and understand the styles of jazz in relation to the history of the music. An end-of-semester performance of material(s) studied during the semester will be required of the class. A jazz-based ear-training section will be scheduled outside of the regular class times. Two class meetings per week. This course is considered a point of entry to MUSI 241.

Students who have not previously taken a course in music theory at Amherst College are encouraged to take a self-administered placement exam available on reserve in the Music Library and on the Music Department Website (  Students are also encouraged to discuss placement in music theory with a member of the Music Department. 

Requisite: MUSI 111 or 112 or equivalent, or consent of the instructor. Limited to 30 students. Fall semester. Senior Lecturer Diehl.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.