Music 111 - Introduction to Music

Darryl Harper
TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
Amherst College
ARMU 212

Description for the Fall Semester:

This course is intended for students with little or no background in music who would like to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of how music works. Students will be introduced into the technical details of music such as musical notation, intervals, basic harmony, meter and rhythm. Familiarity with basic music theory will enable students to read and perform at sight as well as to compose melodies with chordal accompaniment. The music we analyze and perform will draw from the folk, popular, and concert traditions from around the world, including the Western tonal tradition. Assignments will include notational exercises, short papers, and preparation of music for classroom performance. This course serves as a requisite for many of the Music Department offerings. Two class meetings and one lab section per week.

Students with some musical experience contemplating MUSI 111 are encouraged to take a self-administered placement exam available on reserve in the Music Library and on the Music Department Website ( Students are also encouraged to discuss placement in music theory with a member of the Music Department.

Limited to 30 students. Admissions with consent of the instructor. Fall semester. Visiting Professor Harper.


Description for the Spring Semester:

This course is intended for students with little or no background in music who would like to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of how music works. Students will be introduced into the technical details of music such as musical notation, intervals, basic harmony, meter and rhythm. Familiarity with basic music theory will enable students to read and perform at sight as well as to compose melodies with chordal accompaniment. The music we analyze and perform will draw from the folk, popular, and concert traditions from around the world, including the Western tonal tradition. Assignments will include notational exercises and practicing of singing with solfege. The class also serves as an introduction to basic keyboard skills. This course serves as a requisite for many of the Music Department offerings. Two class meetings and one lab section per week.

Students with some musical experience contemplating MUSI 111 are encouraged to take a self-administered placement exam available on reserve in the Music Library and on the Music Department Website ( Students are also encouraged to discuss placement in music theory with a member of the Music Department.

Limited to 30 students. Spring semester.  Professor TBA.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.