Mathematics 320 - Wavelet & Fourier Anal

Karamatou Yacoubou Djima
MWF 09:00AM-09:50AM; TH 09:00AM-09:50AM
Amherst College
MERR 401; WEBS 102

The first half of the course covers continuous and discrete Fourier transforms (including convolution and Plancherel’s formula), Fourier series (including convergence and the fast Fourier transform algorithm), and applications like heat conduction along a rod and signal processing. The second half of the course is devoted to wavelets: Haar bases, the discrete Haar transform in 1 and 2 dimensions with application to image analysis, multiresolution analysis, filters, and wavelet-based image compression like JPEG2000. Three class hours per week plus a weekly one-hour computer laboratory.

Requisite: MATH 211 and 271 or 272.  Fall semester.  Post-doctoral Fellow Yacoubou Djima. 

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.