French 207 - Intro French Lit & Cult

Laure Katsaros
MWF 11:00AM-11:50AM
Amherst College
CHAP 119

Through class discussion, debates, and frequent short papers, students develop effective skills in self-expression, analysis, and interpretation. Literary texts, articles on current events, and films are studied within the context of the changing structures of French society and France’s complex relationship to its recent past. Assignments include both creative and analytic approaches to writing. Some grammar review as necessary, as well as work on understanding spoken French using video materials. Highly recommended for students planning to study abroad.

Requisite: FREN 205, or completion of AP French, or four years of secondary school French in a strong program. Fall semester: Professors Katsaros and Sigal. Spring semester: Professor Sigal.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.