Film & Media Studies 324 - New Latin Am Documentary

Paul Schroeder
TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
Amherst College
CONV 308

Offered as SPAN 240 and FAMS 324)  Latin American documentary filmmaking in the twenty-first century has been enjoying a renaissance marked by a shift away from the highly political social documentaries of the second half of the twentieth century towards more reflexive modes of representation that explore the relationship between filmmakers and their subjects in ways that profoundly alter both.  In this course, we will first discuss several canonical social documentaries of the 1960s and 1970s, and then proceed to discuss documentaries of the twenty-first century from Argentina (Andrés di Tella, Albertina Carri, María Inés Roque, Mario Oesterheld, and Jorge Prelorán), Brazil (Eduardo Coutinho, João Moreira Salles, Eryk Rocha, and Gabriel Mascaro), Mexico (Roberto Hernández), Colombia (the collective Mujeres al borde), Chile (Patricio Guzmán), and Guatemala (Ana Lucía Cuevas).  As part of the class students will have the opportunity to create their own reflexive documentaries using the techniques we will have studied and discussed in class.  Conducted in Spanish.

Requisite: SPAN 211 or consent of instructor.  Fall semester.  Professor Schroeder Rodríguez.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.