Environmental Studies 495 - Senior Seminar

Jessica Hejny, Ethan Temeles
W 02:00PM-05:00PM
Amherst College
WEBS 215
jhejny@amherst.edu; ejtemeles@amherst.edu

The Senior Seminar is intended to bring together majors with different course backgrounds and to facilitate original independent student research on an environmental topic. In the early weeks of the seminar, discussion will be focused on several compelling texts (e.g., Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring or Alan Weisman’s The World Without Us) which will be considered from a variety of disciplinary perspectives by members of the Environmental Studies faculty. These discussions are intended to help students initiate an independent research project which may be expanded into an honors project in the second semester. For students not electing an honors project, the seminar will offer an opportunity to integrate what they have learned in their environmental studies courses. The substance of the seminar will vary from year to year, reflecting the interests of the faculty who will be convening and participating in the seminar.

Open to seniors. Fall semester. Professor Temeles and Visiting Professor Hejny.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.