English 458 - Indigenous Amer Epics

Lisa Brooks
TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
Amherst College
CHAP 204

(Offered as ENGL 458 and AMST 358)  [before 1800] 

This course will delve deeply into Indigenous literatures of “Turtle Island,” or North America, and will also extend to the Pacific.  The Quiché Maya Popol Vuh (Council Book), the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Great Law of Peace, the Wabanaki creation cycle, and the Hawaiian mo’olelo of Pele and her sister Hi'iaka are rooted in longstanding, complex oral narratives of emergence and transformation, which were recorded by Indigenous authors and scribes.  These texts will enable us to consider how the temporal and spatial boundaries of America are both defined and extended by colonization, and disrupted by Indigenous texts and decolonial theory.  We will close read these major epics as works of classical literature, narratives of tribal history, and living political constitutions.

 Reading each long text (in English translation) over several weeks, we will study the tribally and regionally-specific contexts of each epic narrative as well as the “intellectual trade routes” that link them together.  We will also consider the place of these epics within American literature and history and their contributions to historical and contemporary decolonization.  In exploring these narratives, we will discuss the ways in which they challenge conceptual boundaries, considering categories such as land/place, gender, sexuality, and other-than-human beings.

Open to juniors and seniors.  Limited to 15 students.  Fall semester.  Professor Brooks.

Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.