English 435 - The Play of Ideas

Christopher Grobe
MW 08:30AM-09:50AM
Amherst College
BARR 102

We don’t just think, speak, or write our ideas; we perform them, too. Think TED Talks.  Think political movements.  Think 400-level seminars in English.  In this course, you will read plays that are fueled by an argument and arguments that look an awful lot like plays.  Readings will range from ancient philosophical dialogues to modern “plays of ideas”–from essays on pedagogy to works of social theory.  As the semester wears on, you will begin to research your own angle on our central theme:  Ideas performed.  Your final project will be a mock prospectus, in which you imagine this “angle” turning into a thesis project–creative, critical, or a mixture of the two.

Previous experience with drama or performance theory might help, but is hardly required for enrollment.  As a matter of fact, this course works best when students from a wide range of majors enroll.  The reading load isn’t heavy, but expectations are high that you will turn up to class prepared to engage in an active discussion.  I mean, would you show up to a performance not knowing your lines, or fail to speak when you heard your cue?  I didn’t think so.  See you there.

Open to juniors and seniors.  Limited to 15 students.  Fall semester.  Professor Grobe.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.