Chemistry 161 - Chemical Principles

Ashfaq Bengali
MWF 11:00AM-11:50AM
Amherst College

The concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium and kinetic stability are studied. Beginning with the laws of thermodynamics, we will develop a quantitative understanding of the factors which determine the extent to which chemical reactions can occur before reaching equilibrium. Chemical kinetics is the study of the factors, such as temperature, concentrations, and catalysts, which determine the speeds at which chemical reactions occur. Appropriate laboratory experiments supplement the lecture material. Each laboratory section is limited to 24 students.  In the spring, sufficient sections will be added to meet total enrollment.  The fall semester is limited to two laboratory sections.  Four class hours and three hours of laboratory work per week.

Requisite: CHEM 151 or 155 (this requirement may be waived for exceptionally well-prepared students; consent of the instructor is required); and MATH 111 or placement by the Mathematics department into MATH 121 or higher.  Fall semester: Visiting Professor Bengali. Spring semester: Professor TBA.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.