Black Studies 311 - Afr Migratns & Globaliz

Olufemi Vaughan
MW 02:30PM-03:50PM
Amherst College
BARR 105

(Offered as BLST 311[A/D] and HIST 311 [AF].)  This course examines how postcolonial African migration and transnational African populations in Western countries have shaped African states and societies in the global era.  Drawing on key readings about the formation of nation-states in Africa and the historical sociology of transnationalism since World War II, we will discuss what concepts such as the nation-state, communal identity, global relations, and security mean in the African context and explore African transnational experiences in the context of state crisis and globalism.  The course also will focus on how African national and transnational encounters in the context of globalization consistently reflect African agency, revealing important discussions on homeland and diaspora, tradition and modernity, gender and generation. 

Limited to 25 students. Fall semester.  Professor Vaughan.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.