English 214CM - The Curious Middle Ages

Wesley Yu
TTH 01:15PM-02:30PM
Mount Holyoke College
Shattuck Hall 318
While influenced by Augustine's warning that worldly inquiry could endanger the pilgrimage of the soul, medieval literature contains many instances of curious looking. Exploring the medieval desire to know, this course considers how the period's tendencies toward spiritual and metaphysical thought are balanced against its fascinations with the observable world. We will study the ways allegories, travel narratives, romances, and dream visions intersect with natural philosophy, historiography, cartography, and architecture. Literary analysis is the basis for our investigative work to uncover the epistemological impulses that inform medieval art and literature.
Prereq: A first-year seminar.
meets English department pre-1700 requirement
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.