English 199 - Intro to Study of Literature

Amy Martin
TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM
Mount Holyoke College
Shattuck Hall 217
This course examines various strategies of literary representation through a variety of genres, including such traditional literary forms as the novel, lyric poetry, drama, and autobiography, as well as other cultural forms, such as film. Particular attention is given to student writing; students are expected to write a variety of short essays on selected topics. Though the themes of specific sections may vary, all sections seek to introduce students to the terminology of literary and cultural discourse. Please note that this course is a requirement for all English majors.
Prereq: Any first-year seminar.
English 199, required for the English major, introduces students to critical issues in the study of English literature. Students considering an English major will ordinarily take English 199 after taking a first year seminar.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.