Education 320 - Obser & Assist J-term

Sarah Frenette
Mount Holyoke College
Students are expected to complete a supervised field experience full-time every day during January Intersession in an inclusive classroom in a school setting. Placements can be located within or outside of the Five College area. In addition to the field experience component, students attend three course meetings (detailed below). Reading and writing assignments focus on a survey of learning disabilities, descriptions of special education programs, understanding Individuals with Disabilities Education Act policies and placement options, interpreting Individualized Education Program plans, and planning curriculum for inclusive classrooms.
Prereq: One of the following: PSYCH-230, PSYCH-233, EDUC-205, or EDUST-215.
This course is required of all students pursuing teacher licensure. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. Three mandatory meetings (2 hours each): two in November and one in Feb. Prepracticum: five days a week for three weeks in January.
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.