Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies
The Five College Certificate in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies enhances rather than replaces the more traditional major, minor or certificate available at the individual schools and can complement the student's major field of study.
Under the guidance of an appointed faculty adviser for the program at each campus, students design a sequential, coordinated and comprehensive course of study drawing on the faculty specialists and course offerings at the five campuses. The program is overseen by the Five College Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Council, whose members include faculty representatives from each campus.
Any degree-seeking undergraduate student is eligible to earn the certificate. Interested students must consult initially with an advisor for the program at their own home campus, to confirm their eligibility and plan out an appropriate course of study. The home-campus advisor for the program also determines whether a student has met the requirements, and recommends the award of a formal certificate, which is recorded on the student's transcript. Completed applications for the certificate must be signed by the home campus adviser, who will bring the application to the FCLACLS Certificate Program committee.
Lloyd Barba- Latinx and Latin American Studies, Religion
Rhonda Cobham-Sander - Black Studies, English, Latinx and Latin American Studies
Sony Coráñez Bolton* - Latinx and Latin American Studies, Spanish
Javier Corrales - Political Science and Latinx and Latin American Studies
Solsiree del Moral - Black Studies, American Studies, Latinx and Latin American Studies
Rick A. Lopez - Latinx and Latin American Studies, History, Environmental Studies; Dean of New Students
Leah Schmalzbauer - American Studies, Anthropology and Sociology, Latinx and Latin American Studies
Paul Schroeder Rodríguez - Latinx and Latin American Studies, Spanish, Film and Media Studies
*Certificate Advisor & Steering Committee Member
Michele Hardesty* - U.S. Literatures and Cultural Studies
*Certificate Advisor & Steering Committee Member
Justin Crumbaugh - Spanish, Latino/a, Latin American Studies
Lowell Gudmundson - Latin American Studies and History (Emeritus)
Christian Gundermann - Gender Studies
David Hernández - Latino/a Studies
Lynn Morgan - Anthropology (Emerita)
Eva Paus - Economics (Emerita)
Adriana Pitetta* - Spanish
*Certificate Advisor & Steering Committee Member
Fernando Armstrong-Fumero - Anthropology
Ginetta E.B. Candelario - Sociology, Latin American and Latino/a Studies
Velma Garcia - Government (Emerita)
Maria Estela Harretche - Spanish (Emerita)
Marguerite Itamar Harrison - Spanish and Portuguese
Michelle Joffroy - Spanish
Elizabeth Klarich - Anthropology
Dana Leibsohn - Art, Latin American and Latino/a Studies
Malcolm McNee - Spanish and Portuguese
Javier Puente* - Latin American and Latino/a Studies
Maria Helena Rueda - Spanish
Lester Tomé - Dance
*Certificate Advisor & Steering Committee Member
Sonia Alvarez - Political Science
Luiz Amaral - Spanish and Portuguese Linguistics
Benjamin Bailey - Communication
Whitney Battle-Baptiste - Anthropology
Angelica Bernal - Political Science
James K. Boyce - Economics (Emeritus)
Laura Briggs - Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Mari Castaneda - Communication
Leda Cooks - Communication
N.C. Christopher Couch - Comparative Literature
Emiliana Cruz - Anthropology
Alexandrina Deschamps - Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Carlene Edie - Political Science
Gerald Epstein - Economics
Harley Erdman - Theater
Martin Espada - English
Stephanie Fetta* - Spanish and Portuguese Studies
Martha Fuentes-Bautista - Communication
Patricia Galvis Assmus - Art, Architecture, and Art History (Emerita)
Agustin Lao-Montes - Sociology & Afro-American Studies
Jennifer Lundquist - Sociology
Claudio Moreira - Communication
Michael J. Morgan - Communication (Emeritus)
Leonce Ndikumana - Economics
Daphne Patai - Spanish and Portuguese Literature (Emerita)
J. Mohan Rao - Economics (Emeritus)
Margara Russotto - Latin American Literature and Culture
Felipe Salles - Music and Dance
Heidi Scott - History
Millie Thayer - Sociology
Jacqueline Urla - Anthropology
Laura Valdiviezo - College of Education
*Certificate Advisor & Steering Committee Member
Certificate Requirements
To earn a FCLACLS Certificate, students must complete successfully a minimum of eight one-semester courses selected from five different areas; fulfill a specified language requirement; and achieve at least a grade of “B” in the minimum number of courses taken toward the certificate. Courses may be taken at any of the campuses but must be approved in advance by the student's home-campus advisor for the program. Completed applications for the certificate must be signed by the home campus advisor, who will bring the application to the Five College LACLS Council meeting in April.
Eight full courses or educational activities (each 3–4 credits or equivalent) must be completed within the following areas:
- A broadly based introductory course on the social and political history of Latin America or U.S. Latinos
- One course in the social sciences that focuses substantially on Latin America or U.S. Latinos (including courses in anthropology, economics, geography, political science, etc.)
- One course in the humanities that focuses substantially on Latin America or U.S. Latinos (including courses in art, art history, dance, folklore, literature, music, philosophy, religion or theater, etc. )
- Four other courses that should be more advanced and more specific in focus
- One upper-level seminar in Latin America and/or U.S. Latinos
- Those students who begin their studies during or after fall 2013 will be required to have, within all of their courses, at least one course in Latino Studies and at least one course in Latin American or Caribbean Studies
- At least one course must be taken at one of the institutions in the Five College consortium other than the student's home campus.
Language Requirement
Proficiency through second-year college level in an official (other than English) or indigenous language of Latin America.
Minimum Standard
To receive the certificate, the student must receive a grade of “B” or better in every course that qualifies for the minimum certificate requirement.
Study Abroad
The Council will accept relevant study abroad courses, as long as they are accepted for credit or equivalent by a student’s home institution. If no grade is reported on the transcript, the Council will waive the “B” grade requirement for courses taken abroad.
Note that if you don't see classes from all campuses currently listed, they will appear as the campuses release their course schedules for the semester. The five campuses release their schedules on different dates. Visit this page for specific dates.
Many courses in addition to those listed below may be eligible for fulfilling the requirements of the Five College Latin American, Caribbean & Latino Studies Certificate. Students are encouraged to consult an LACLS Program campus advisor to identify courses that are appropriate for their interests.
Spring 2025 Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Courses
Subject |
Course # |
Sect # |
Course Title |
Instructor(s) |
Institution |
Meeting Times |
Subject AMST |
Course # 216 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Afro-Latinos |
Instructor(s) Solsiree del Moral |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times W/F | 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM |
Subject ARCH |
Course # 204 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Housing Urbanization Dev |
Instructor(s) Gabriel Arboleda |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM |
Subject ARHA |
Course # 204 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Housing Urbanization Dev |
Instructor(s) Gabriel Arboleda |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM |
Subject BLST |
Course # 240 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Afro-Latinos |
Instructor(s) Solsiree del Moral |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times W/F | 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM |
Subject BLST |
Course # 371 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Francophone African Cin |
Instructor(s) Monika Brodnicka |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times W | 2:00 PM - 4:45 PM |
Subject HIST |
Course # 344 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Empires in Global Hist |
Instructor(s) Alexander Semyonov |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM |
Subject LLAS |
Course # 205 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Your Bilingual Voice |
Instructor(s) Carmen Granda |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times M/W | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM |
Subject LLAS |
Course # 301 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Literature and Culture |
Instructor(s) Catherine Infante |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times M/W | 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM |
Subject SPAN |
Course # 205 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Your Bilingual Voice |
Instructor(s) Carmen Granda |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times M/W | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM |
Subject SPAN |
Course # 301 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Literature and Culture |
Instructor(s) Catherine Infante |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times M/W | 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM |
Subject CSI |
Course # 0309 |
Sect # 1 |
Course Title Adv Work Multispe/P.Human Ethn |
Instructor(s) Nathalie Arnold |
Institution Hampshire College |
Meeting Times 06:30PM-09:20PM M |
Subject ANTHR |
Course # 316LA |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Race & Religion in Latin Amer |
Instructor(s) William Girard |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times T 01:30PM-04:20PM |
Subject CRPE |
Course # 180 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro to Latinx Studies |
Instructor(s) Raul Gutierrez,David Hernández |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times TTH 03:15PM-04:30PM |
Subject HIST |
Course # 180 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro to Latin American Cultrs |
Instructor(s) Dimaris Barrios-Beltrán |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times TTH 09:00AM-10:15AM |
Subject LATAM |
Course # 180 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro to Latin American Cultrs |
Instructor(s) Dimaris Barrios-Beltrán |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times TTH 09:00AM-10:15AM |
Subject LATAM |
Course # 287DE |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Decolonizing Development |
Instructor(s) Justin Crumbaugh |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times TTH 01:45PM-03:00PM |
Subject POLIT |
Course # 243 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Latin American Politics |
Instructor(s) Cora Fernandez Anderson |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times MW 11:30AM-12:45PM |
Subject RELIG |
Course # 331LA |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Race & Religion in Latin Amer |
Instructor(s) William Girard |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times T 01:30PM-04:20PM |
Subject SPAN |
Course # 250RE |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Puerto Rican Resilience |
Instructor(s) Dimaris Barrios-Beltrán |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times TTH 10:30AM-11:45AM |
Subject AFR |
Course # 366rs |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Sem: T-Race, Sex & Tourism |
Instructor(s) Traci-Ann Wint |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times TU 9:25 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject ANT |
Course # 237 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Archaeology- South America |
Instructor(s) Elizabeth A. Klarich |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject DAN |
Course # 377sa |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title T-Adv St Histry&Aesthet-Salsa |
Instructor(s) Lester Tomé |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM |
Subject LAS |
Course # 301hw |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Sem:T-History of Water |
Instructor(s) Javier Puente |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times W 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM |
Subject POR |
Course # 125 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Element Portug Spanish Speaker |
Instructor(s) Simone M. Gugliotta |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W F 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject POR |
Course # 215 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Portuguese Convers&Compositn |
Instructor(s) Marguerite I. Harrison |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 200 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intermediate Spanish I |
Instructor(s) Molly Falsetti-Yu |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W F 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 200 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title Intermediate Spanish I |
Instructor(s) Adrian A. Gras-Velazquez |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W F 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 220 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intermediate Spanish II |
Instructor(s) Adrian A. Gras-Velazquez |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 220 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title Intermediate Spanish II |
Instructor(s) Yeongju Lee |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 220 |
Sect # 03 |
Course Title Intermediate Spanish II |
Instructor(s) Michelle Joffroy |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times TU TH 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 230cv |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title T-Lat Amer-Climate Voices |
Instructor(s) Molly Falsetti-Yu |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 230ww |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title T-Spanish Women Writers |
Instructor(s) Reyes Lázaro |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
Subject SPN |
Course # 245fw |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title T-Lat Amer Films by Women |
Instructor(s) Maria Rueda |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times TU TH 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM |
Subject AFROAM |
Course # 692Q |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title S-AfrDiaspora:Intro/Cncpt&Hist |
Instructor(s) Agustin Lao-Montes |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times W 12:00PM 2:30PM |
Subject ANTHRO |
Course # 150 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Ancient Civilizations |
Instructor(s) Reid Ellefson-Frank |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 4:00PM 5:15PM |
Subject COMM |
Course # 125 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro to Rhetorc&PerfmStudies |
Instructor(s) Kimberlee Perez |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W 2:30PM 3:45PM |
Subject COMP-LIT |
Course # 231 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Comedy |
Instructor(s) Uladzislau Voinich |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Subject EDUC |
Course # 167 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Education and Film |
Instructor(s) Kysa Nygreen |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TH 3:45PM 5:00PM; TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM |
Subject EDUC |
Course # 167 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title Education and Film |
Instructor(s) Shannon Laribo |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM |
Subject EDUC |
Course # 377 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro to Multicultural Educ |
Instructor(s) Sharon Kearney |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M 12:20PM 2:50PM |
Subject EDUC |
Course # 377 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title Intro to Multicultural Educ |
Instructor(s) Isabel Castellanos |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M 12:20PM 2:50PM |
Subject EDUC |
Course # 615S |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Lang & Lit Policy and Planning |
Instructor(s) Marialuisa Di Stefano |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TH 4:00PM 6:30PM |
Subject EDUC |
Course # 792M |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title S-Smnr On Language |
Instructor(s) Zhaoyu Wang-Doyle |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU 4:00PM 6:30PM |
Subject ENGLISH |
Course # 205 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro to Post-Colonial Studies |
Instructor(s) Shakuntala Ray |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Subject ENGLISH |
Course # 300 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Junior-Yr Sem English Studies |
Instructor(s) Kari Daly |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
Subject ENGLISH |
Course # 300 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title Junior-Yr Sem English Studies |
Instructor(s) Adam Zucker |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Subject ENGLISH |
Course # 300 |
Sect # 03 |
Course Title Junior-Yr Sem English Studies |
Instructor(s) Brenna Casey |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W 2:30PM 3:45PM |
Subject ENGLISH |
Course # 372 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Caribbean Lit: Sea is History |
Instructor(s) Rachel Mordecai |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 120 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Latin America: Colonial Period |
Instructor(s) Heidi Scott |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W 11:15AM 12:05PM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 120 |
Sect # 01AA |
Course Title Latin America: Colonial Period |
Instructor(s) |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times F 9:05AM 9:55AM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 120 |
Sect # 01AB |
Course Title Latin America: Colonial Period |
Instructor(s) |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times F 10:10AM 11:00AM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 120 |
Sect # 01AC |
Course Title Latin America: Colonial Period |
Instructor(s) |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times F 1:25PM 2:15PM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 392E |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title S- The U.S. in Latin America |
Instructor(s) Kevin Young |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 450 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title JYW Seminar in History |
Instructor(s) Audrey Altstadt |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 450 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title JYW Seminar in History |
Instructor(s) Anna Taylor |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM |
Subject HISTORY |
Course # 450 |
Sect # 03 |
Course Title JYW Seminar in History |
Instructor(s) Jennifer Fronc |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
Subject POLISCI |
Course # 345 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Rvltn Ntlsm Impr Crb |
Instructor(s) Carlene Edie |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM |
Subject POLISCI |
Course # 352 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title U.S. Foreign Pol/Latin America |
Instructor(s) Justin Gross |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Subject PORTUG |
Course # 312 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Advanced Composition |
Instructor(s) Jaqueline Ionson |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W 4:00PM 5:15PM |
Subject SOCIOL |
Course # 288 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro Latin American Societies |
Instructor(s) Thomas Corcoran |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W F 1:25PM 2:15PM |
Subject SPANISH |
Course # 301 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Conversational Spanish I |
Instructor(s) Maria Ceron Leon |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W 4:00PM 5:15PM |
Subject SPANISH |
Course # 301 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title Conversational Spanish I |
Instructor(s) Carole Cloutier |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W F 11:15AM 12:05PM |
Subject SPANISH |
Course # 301 |
Sect # 03 |
Course Title Conversational Spanish I |
Instructor(s) Carole Cloutier |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM |
Subject SPANISH |
Course # 314 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Spanish for Heritage Speakers |
Instructor(s) Raul Gutierrez |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM |
Subject SPANISH |
Course # 322 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Intro Span Amer Lit |
Instructor(s) Jeffrey Peer |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W F 12:20PM 1:10PM |
Subject SPANISH |
Course # 323 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Spanish American Literature II |
Instructor(s) Giovanny Salas Torres |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times M W F 11:15AM 12:05PM |
Subject SPANISH |
Course # 324 |
Sect # 02 |
Course Title Introduction to Latino/a Lit |
Instructor(s) Stephanie Fetta |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
Subject WGSS |
Course # 220 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Sustainabilty,Gender,GlobalEnv |
Instructor(s) Sarah Ahmad |
Institution UMass Amherst |
Meeting Times TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies (LACLS) has a long and distinguished history in the Five Colleges (the University of Massachusetts–Amherst, and Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith colleges). For over three decades, the main goal of FCLACLS has been to promote the multi- and inter-disciplinary study of Latin America.
With respect to the individual programs, the University of Massachusetts–Amherst Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies offers an undergraduate certificate, a graduate certificate and a minor. The Mount Holyoke College and Smith College Latin American Studies Programs offer a major and minor. At Hampshire College, students may develop an area of specialization in Latin American Studies in conjunction with or in addition to their area of concentration. At Amherst College, students may design a major in Latin American Studies.
FCLACLS Certificate
The FCLACLS Council administers the Five College Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Certificate. The requirements include the successful (a grade of B or higher) completion of eight one-semester courses selected from five different areas. The five areas are a broadly based introductory course on the social and political history of Latin America, a social science course, a humanities course, four advanced elective courses and an interdisciplinary senior seminar. Language training is crucial. Certificates are awarded only after having demonstrated proficiency through at least the advanced intermediate level in Spanish, Portuguese or an indigenous language of the Americas. Students are encouraged to take advantage of cross-enrollment opportunities at the other colleges.
UMass Undergraduate Certificate
The undergraduate certificate and minor at UMass allow students to develop a concentration in LACLS as a complement to their disciplinary major. The certificate program offers two options, one emphasizing competence (at the advanced intermediate level) in both Spanish and Portuguese, the other, one language and a greater number (six rather than four) of area studies courses. The area studies courses must be from at least three different disciplines. Both tracks require an advanced interdisciplinary seminar. The minor requires six area studies courses. Students may major in LAS through the Bachelor’s Degree with Individual Concentration program.
Latin American Studies Minor and Certificate at UMass
Mount Holyoke College Major and Minor Programs
The LAS major at MHC requires a minimum of 10 courses of which at least half must be at the advanced level; the minor requires a minimum of five. Among the required courses is an introductory course in either Latin American cultures or economies, one advanced literature course and a course focusing on less studied Latin American social groups. The program requires a command of Spanish or Portuguese at the advanced intermediate level and recommends at least an elementary knowledge of the other language. At Smith, the LAS major is anchored by a core set of four required courses in literature and history that provide the foundation for in-depth interdisciplinary study. Students must complete an additional six courses at the intermediate or advanced level, with two of these in the social sciences and at least one in the arts. A proficiency in Spanish at the advanced intermediate level is required and reading knowledge of Portuguese is recommended. The LAS Minor requires six courses. At Amherst College students develop their own major in LAS by writing a senior honor’s thesis in consultation with three advisors. At Hampshire, which does not have majors and minors, students develop a concentration in Latin America by writing their required senior honor’s thesis on a relevant topic and through an appropriate selection of inter-disciplinary courses.
Latin American Studies at Mount Holyoke
The Graduate Program at UMass
The graduate certificate at UMass is intended to structure graduate study with a LAS focus, foster interdisciplinary scholarship and promote foreign language competence. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a regular disciplinary or professional master’s or Ph.D. program. Candidates must complete a minimum of four graduate area study courses in three disciplines, demonstrate language proficiency at the advanced intermediate level, complete a thesis or dissertation on a Latin American theme and present their research results in the CLACLS Research Workshop.
Graduate Certificate in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies at UMass
Five College Libraries
The total size of the Five College Latin American collection is in excess of 225,000 volumes, placing it among the 20 largest LAS collections nationwide, a true gem for undergraduates. The Pauline P. Collins Collection at UMass numbers 200,000+ volumes, over half of these in Spanish and Portuguese. The four colleges have not enumerated their Latin American acquisitions, but an analysis of their Latin American holdings (by LC call numbers) in Latin American history and literature yields a total of 25,812 volumes.
Lorna Peterson Prize
The Lorna M. Peterson Prize supports scholarly and creative work by undergraduate students taking part in Five College programs. The $500 prize is awarded annually based on nominations from Five College programs.
Contact Us
Faculty Committee:
Stephanie Fetta, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Five College LACLS Certificate Program Chair
Sony Coráñez Bolton, Amherst College
Michele Hardesty, Hampshire College
Adriana Pitetta, Mount Holyoke College
Javier Puente, Smith College
Five College Staff Liaison:
April Shandor, Academic Programs Coordinator