Ethnomusicology Program
The Five College Certificate Program in Ethnomusicology allows students interested in studying music from a multi-disciplinary perspective to build bridges across departmental boundaries in a rigorous and structured manner.
The Five College community is home to a diverse, vibrant group of students, scholars, and performers working in ethnomusicology, the anthropology of music, and related disciplines. Through the Five College consortium, students may take courses for credit at any campus. In addition, students with a special interest in ethnomusicology may pursue the Five College Certificate in Ethnomusicology, a program that allows students to develop a unique, multi-disciplinary curriculum focused on their individual research interests. Please note that as of Fall 2013, undergraduate students from all five campuses, including the university, are eligible to participate in the certificate program.
Opportunities abound! Join one of several performance ensembles, take courses focused on a wide variety of topics, attend concerts and other events, and learn about our faculty.
All of the following faculty serve as Five College Ethnomusicology Certificate advisors.
Amy M. Coddington - Assistant Professor of Music
Jeffers Engelhardt - Professor of Music
Jason Robinson - Professor of Music
Rebecca Miller - Professor of Music
Junko Oba - Associate Professor of Music
Olabode Omojola - Professor of Music
Andrea Moore - Assistant Professor of Music
Margaret Sarkissian - Professor of Music
Steve Waksman - Professor of Music and American Studies (on leave for 2024-25 academic year)
Marianna Ritchey - Associate Professor of Music History
The Five College Certificate Program in Ethnomusicology allows students interested in studying music from a multi-disciplinary perspective to build bridges across departmental boundaries in a rigorous and structured manner, and to receive credit for their accomplishments, even while completing a major in another field. In reflecting interdisciplinary trends in Ethnomusicology, students are encouraged to combine the certificate with degrees in various overlapping fields, such as African American and African Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Asian American Studies, Cultural Studies, European Studies, Gender Studies, language studies, Latin American Studies, Religion, Sociology, as well as other courses of study in Music (Composition, Performance, Jazz Studies/Improvisation, and Musicology).
The Certificate Program in Ethnomusicology provides a framework for navigating course offerings and engaging with ethnomusicologists throughout the Five Colleges. While "music" is the centerpiece of the certificate program, the wide range of topics that appear under the rubric of "ethnomusicology" extend far beyond "music in a cultural context" to include history, political science, economics, evolution, science and technology, physiology, media studies, and popular culture studies, among others.Students working within the Certificate Program might focus on music as it relates to a number of areas of inquiry, such as:
- relationships between music and other artistic and expressive forms (i.e. dance, theater, film);
- relationships between singing and other forms of vocal practice;
- relationships between the study of language and music;
- human cognitive capacity for musical and other sonic expression;
- listening as a culturally specific practice;
- the social history of music and popular culture;
- understanding national, class, gender, ethnic, sexual, and other forms of identity;
- the relationship between music and social and political power;
- globalization and transnationalism in music;
- the uses of music and sound in contemporary media production;
- roles of sonic technology and surveillance in contemporary Western society;
- the use of music and sound in relation to social and state control, the law, and space;
- intellectual property and copyright as it pertains to musical composition, performance, and ownership.
To earn a Five College Certificate in Ethnomusicology, students must successfully complete a total of seven (7) courses distributed as indicated in the following four (4) categories. No more than five courses can be from any one department/discipline, and introductory courses in basic musicianship do not count towards the requirements; introductory courses in related disciplines may only be counted in certain circumstances determined by the research goals of the individual student. Students must earn a grade of C or better for courses counted towards the Certificate.
- Methodology: at least two courses
- Performance: at least one course
- Area Studies or Topics courses: at least two courses
- Electives: negotiated in consultation with the student's ethnomusicology advisor, including courses from related disciplines including: anthropology, sociology, history, or media studies; area studies fields such as African Studies, American Studies, Asian Studies, or Middle East Studies; or others related to a particular student's ethnomusicological interests.
Since ethnomusicological research and related musical performance may require understanding of and competence in a foreign language, students are encouraged, but not required, to acquire proficiency in a language relevant to their focus. Students are also encouraged to include experiential learning, a study abroad or domestic exchange experience, in-depth study of a single musical tradition, or comparative studies of several musical traditions.
Step 1: Applying
Students interested in the Five College Certificate in Ethnomusicology should contact a member of the Five College Ethnomusicology Committee on their campus as soon as possible to begin planning course work. In consultation with this certificate advisor, students must complete an application form for the certificate. While this form should be submitted as early as possible so that a student can become part of the certificate community (and gain priority access to certain capped courses), it must be submitted before the end of the add/drop period in the first semester of their senior year of study. On the recommendation of the campus advisor, applications are reviewed and approved by the Five College Ethnomusicology Committee.
A copy of the completed application form should be emailed to your campus certificate advisor.
Step 2: Completion
Students are also required to submit a certificate approval form and an unofficial transcript before the end of the add/drop period of their final semester. A more formal document, the approval form lists courses taken and in progress that complete the requirements for the certificate. The campus advisor will present this form to the Five College Ethnomusicology Committee for approval. After approval, the campus advisor and Five Colleges request a transcript from the student’s Registrar indicating the successful completion of in progress courses.
A copy of the completed approval form and an unofficial transcript should be emailed to your campus certificate advisor in advance of the deadline.
Many courses in addition to those listed below may be eligible towards the Five College Ethnomusicology Certificate. Students are encouraged to consult their campus Ethnomusicology advisor to identify courses that are appropriate for their interests.
Individual lessons and non-ensemble performance: Credit-bearing individual lessons and non-ensemble performance opportunities (i.e. special topics courses or thesis work) in an array of musical traditions and genres are available throughout the Five Colleges. Please consult the course catalog of your home institution and with a member of the Five College Ethnomusicology faculty to find the instructor best suited to your interests.
Five College Ethnomusicology Certificate students: Depending on your area of interest, courses can often fall within more than one of the four course categories required for the certificate. While a single course cannot be counted twice, you should work in close consultation with your campus Ethnomusicology advisor to determine the appropriate allocation of courses within the certificate requirements.
Note that if you don't see classes from all campuses currently listed, they will appear as the campuses release their course schedules for the semester. The five campuses release their schedules on different dates. Visit this page for specific dates.
Spring 2025 Ethnomusicology Courses: Methodology
Subject |
Course # |
Sect # |
Course Title |
Instructor(s) |
Institution |
Meeting Times |
Subject MUSI |
Course # 232 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Listening, Hearing |
Instructor(s) Jeffers Engelhardt |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM |
Subject HACU |
Course # 0249 |
Sect # 1 |
Course Title Radio Journalism & Podcasting |
Instructor(s) Rebecca (Becky) Miller |
Institution Hampshire College |
Meeting Times 10:30AM-11:50AM TU;10:30AM-11:50AM TH |
Subject MUS |
Course # 202 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Thinking About Music |
Instructor(s) Margaret Sarkissian |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times M 3:05 PM - 4:20 PM; W 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM |
Spring 2025 Ethnomusicology Courses: Performance
Subject |
Course # |
Sect # |
Course Title |
Instructor(s) |
Institution |
Meeting Times |
Subject HACU |
Course # 0160 |
Sect # 1 |
Course Title Appalachian String Band Ensemb |
Instructor(s) Rebecca (Becky) Miller |
Institution Hampshire College |
Meeting Times 02:30PM-05:20PM W |
Subject MUSIC |
Course # 161 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Beg.West African Drumming Ens. |
Instructor(s) Faith Conant |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times T 05:00PM-07:00PM |
Subject MUSIC |
Course # 261 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Int. West African Drumming Ens |
Instructor(s) Faith Conant |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times T 07:00PM-09:00PM |
Subject MUS |
Course # 955 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Smith Javanese Gamelan Ensembl |
Instructor(s) Phil Acimovic |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times W 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM |
Subject MUS |
Course # 958 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Smith Celtic Music Ensemble |
Instructor(s) Ellen Redman |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times TU 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM |
Subject MUS |
Course # 960 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Chinese Music Ensemble |
Instructor(s) Chia-Yu Joy Lu |
Institution Smith College |
Meeting Times W 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM |
Spring 2025 Ethnomusicology Courses: Area Studies or Topics
Subject |
Course # |
Sect # |
Course Title |
Instructor(s) |
Institution |
Meeting Times |
Subject BLST |
Course # 204 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Afr Pop Music |
Instructor(s) Olabode Omojola |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times TU/TH | 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM |
Subject MUSI |
Course # 105 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Afr Pop Music |
Instructor(s) Olabode Omojola |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times TU/TH | 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM |
Subject MUSI |
Course # 270 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title Hip Hop Production |
Instructor(s) Amy Coddington |
Institution Amherst College |
Meeting Times W/F | 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM |
Subject HACU |
Course # 0301 |
Sect # 1 |
Course Title Div III Sem in Perf/Music |
Instructor(s) Rebecca (Becky) Miller |
Institution Hampshire College |
Meeting Times 02:30PM-03:50PM TU;02:30PM-03:50PM TH |
Subject MUSIC |
Course # 238 |
Sect # 01 |
Course Title The Power of Black Music |
Instructor(s) Olabode Omojola |
Institution Mount Holyoke College |
Meeting Times MW 01:45PM-03:00PM |
Performance Courses
Numerous opportunities exist for Five College students to participate in ensembles and learn instruments and styles from various global music traditions. The list below includes several of the ongoing ensembles related to ethnomusicology in the Five Colleges. Contact the instructor for full details. In addition to those listed below, there are numerous choral groups, orchestras, jazz ensembles, and other ensembles performing within the Five Colleges.
Appalachian Old Time & Bluegrass Ensembles
Hampshire College
Contact: Prof. Rebecca Miller
Chinese Music Ensemble
Smith College
Contact: Joy Lu
Irish/Celtic Ensemble, The Wailing Banshees
Smith College
Contact: Ellen Redman
Javanese Gamelan
Smith College
Contact: Phil Acimovic
West African Drumming
Mount Holyoke College
Contact: Faith Conant
Elective Courses
Elective courses are negotiated in consultation with the student's ethnomusicology advisor, including courses from related disciplines including: anthropology, sociology, history, or media studies; area studies fields such as African Studies, American Studies, Asian Studies, or Middle East Studies; or others related to a particular student's ethnomusicological interests.
Certificate Recipients
Jules Padro, Smith College
Certificate Focus: American Music
Ruby Shea, Smith College
Certificate Focus: Japanese Music, specifically Avant-garde Music in the Kansai Region
Leah Howard, Mount Holyoke College
Certificate Focus: Voice, Choreomusical Interactions, Enactment of Music and Dance in Religious and Cultural Healing Practices, Phenomenology
Kay Tsukamoto, Mount Holyoke College
Certificate Focus: The History of Chinese Music
Dean Gordon, Amherst College
Certificate Focus: Jazz & Improvised Music
Louis Quinquis, Hampshire College
Certificate Focus: Music, Ethnomusicological Research
Patrick Michael Gazda, Hampshire College
Certificate Focus: Music as a communicative medium of political realities and a catalyst of sociopolitical change
Ailey Verdelle, Hampshire College
Certificate Focus: African American Diasporic Music / Afro-Cuban Music
Georgia Beatty, Hampshire College
Cara Doherty, UMass Amherst
Erin Elizabeth Hancock, Mt. Holyoke College
Isabela Haye, Hampshire College
Antonina Hill, Hampshire College
Melissa Jordan, Hampshire College
Matthew McGowan, Hampshire College
Max Nemhauser, Hampshire College (Fall 2019 graduate)
"Ethnomusicological Methodology in Documentary Filmmaking"
Carlos Sevilla, Hampshire College
Yuchen "Angel" Xiang, Mt. Holyoke College
Samuel Croff, Amherst College
"The 9th Dimension: A Composition and Performance Thesis"
Ben Fitts, Hampshire College
Caia Lee, Mt. Holyoke College
"Soundscapes of the Human Uterus: Fetal Sensory Experience and Development"
Bingyao Liu, Mt. Holyoke College
"Yangqin, Tsimbl, Cimbalom, Salterio... : An Exploration of Hammered Dulcimer Music"
Stella Silbert, Hampshire College
"Composing and Listening in a Layered Sound World"
Lena Abraham, Hampshire College
"Intersections of Gender in Electro-Acoustic Music and Noise"
April Crowley, Hampshire College
"Irish Roses, Irish Rebels: Women in Irish Traditional Song"
Nashua Malko, Hampshire College
"Awash in Sound: Sound Meditation and Healing Discourse in the Northeastern United States"
Olivia St. Pierre-Baxter, Hampshire College
"All Join Hands: Social Dancing and Identity in French-Canadian Communities"
Maxwell Rea, Hampshire College
"Call and Response: Unity through deep conversation; interpersonal cooperation harmonizing the individual and community, and other socio-musical implications"
Lenka Saldo, Hampshire College
"Embodied Imaginations: Dancing Identities in Cuban Miami"
Emily Matz, Smith College
Maria Wood, Smith College
“New Ideas in the Air: The Birth of Hamilton: An American Musical”
Nicholas Jordan, UMass Amherst
Tatiana Hargreaves, Hampshire College
"Contemporary American Fiddle Culture and Cuban Violin History"
Tomal Hossain, Amherst College
"Gregorian Chant of St. Mary's Monastary and St. Scholastica Priory: A Radio Documentary”
Zoe Langsdale, Smith College
"Irish Music and Sean-nós Singing"
Alexis Ligon, Amherst College
"Music, Critical Blackness, and Ethnographic Documentary Film"
Owen Dempsey, Hampshire College
"Different Drummers (Vovovo υuƒolawo) - Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs"
Emma Rothman, Hampshire College
"Sound, Noise, Music and Meaning: Performing Collaborative Listening"
Sean Seid, Hampshire College
"Interpretations of Colonial American Dance Music”
Bianca Couture, Smith College
Rene Cruz, Hampshire College
Allyson Grammo, Mount Holyoke College
Nick Kane, Hampshire College
Parker McQueeney, Hampshire College
Frances Caperchi, Hampshire College
"The Making of BUSNEST: The Nuances of Cultural Appropriation"
Abigail Hobart, Hampshire College
"The Red Barn Folk Festival: A Community Exploration of New England Folklife"
Jacob Hochberger, Hampshire College
"Soundin' like weself: The Trinidadian Rapso Tradition"
Traci Laichter, Hampshire College
"Klezmer: Jewish Identity in the New Country"
Caleb MacKenzie-Margulies, Hampshire College (Fall 2014 graduate)
Emily Moran, Hampshire College
"Gullah Geechee Life, History, and Culture and the Impact of Gentrification on St. Simons Island and Sapelo Island, Georgia: The Past and the Present"
Kathleen Toomey, Mount Holyoke College
"The Nagara Drum and the Struggles of Folk Musicians in Pushkar, India"
James Hartman, Hampshire College
"The Viola Caipira in Brazilian Harvest Festival Music"
Thomas Heisler, Hampshire College
"Don't Take the Mask Off the Old Lone Ranger: Captain Luke and the Drink House Blues"
Rebecca Holtz, Smith College
"Gender-Role-Free Contra Dancing at the Montague Grange (A Radio Journalism piece)"
Lydia Warren, Smith College
Anna Maria Amoroso, Mount Holyoke College
"Methods of Pedagogy in Hindustani Classical Music"
Rebekah Danielson, Mount Holyoke College
"Musical Hybridity Building a Sense of Community"
Katie Hoyer, Smith College
"The Meaning of Medieval: Lopes-Graça, Portugalidade, and the Cantiga d'Amigo"
Sasha Hsuczyk, Hampshire College
"All Things That Rise Must Converge: Julia Clifford and the Spirituality of Music Performance and Experimental Art As a Means of Ethnomusicological Research Expression"
Sara Loh, Smith College
"'Oppa Malaysia Style': The Psy effect on Malaysian Music, Media and Politics"
Phoebe Smolin, Hampshire College
"La Canción de Boyle Heights: How An East Los Angeles Neighborhood Uses Music To Resist The Silencing of Its Histories "
Jacques Robert Boudreau, Hampshire College
Division III: American Mythology: Explorations in Music Composition and Ethnomusicology
Baron Collins-Hill, Hampshire College
Division III: Modern Traditional Music
Zoe Darrow, Mount Holyoke College
Certificate focus: Scottish Style Fiddling in Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island
Andrew Alexander Feinberg, Hampshire College
Division III: Speaking and Singing: The Musical Nation
Sarah Godel, Smith College
Josh Landes, Hampshire College
Division III: Behind This Tongue: DIY Radio On The Road
Alex Mcle, Mount Holyoke College
Certificate focus: The Importance of Music in Sustaining the Culture of the Maori People of New Zealand
Amber Smith, Mount Holyoke College
Certificate focus: The Harlem Renaissance: Cultural Memory and the Discourse of Africa in Jazz
Duncan Trudeau, Hampshire College
Division III: Composition and Performance on the Classical Guitar
Katherine Beyer, Hampshire College
Division III: Music-Making and Acclimating, A Radio Documentary: Reinforcing and Reshaping Nigerian Immigrant Identities Through Music
Morgan Greenstreet, Hampshire College
Division III: What I Did and Didn't Learn about Tokoe in Ghana: Many Versions of Authenticity
Ashley Soto, Amherst College
Honors thesis: Soundscapes of Latin@ Identity: Music-Making in the Puerto Rican Community of Holyoke and Beyond
Contact Us
Program Chair:
Becky Miller, Professor of Music, Hampshire College
Five College Staff Liaison:
April Shandor, Academic Programs Coordinator