Psychological & Brain Sciences 355 - Adolescent Psych

Charlotte Wilinsky

M W 4:00PM 5:15PM

UMass Amherst
Bartlett Hall room 65
Psychosocial dynamics of adolescents and young adults. Topics include physical and maturational development, theories of adolescence, family and peer group influences, sexuality, cognitive and vocational development, schooling and youth culture. Focus on basic principles and issues. Prerequisite: introductory psychology.

Open to Psychology majors and seniors in any major. Pre Req: PSYCH 100 or 110 This class will be open to Psychology Majors and senior non-majors for the first month of enrollment. Sufficient SPACE PERMITTING, enrollment will open to minors and other non-majors after the first month of enrollment.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.